"Two souls, alas, are housed within my breast, And each will wrestle for the mastery there."
– Goethe, Faust 1 –
"Faust lamented that he had two souls in his breast. I have a whole squabbling crowd."
– Bismarck –
What Faust and Bismarck describe here is familiar to many of us: sometimes we feel torn between different aspects of our personality or mind. Yet, within this experience lies a great opportunity for personal growth and healing.
Connecting with the Self through IFS
Mit der Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) kannst du deine inneren Anteile entdecken und in Harmonie bringen. Diese innovative Methode nach Professor Richard Schwartz eignet sich besonders, um alte Belastungen zu lösen und neue Perspektiven zu gewinnen.
Gönn dir diese kraftvolle Erfahrung – in meinen Räumen in Elmshorn (Kaltenweide 20) oder ganz flexibel online. Ich begleite dich einfühlsam auf deinem Weg zu mehr innerem Frieden.
Discover the Self and Transform Personality Parts
IFS assumes that every person consists of different personality parts, each possessing valuable qualities. Through appreciative and respectful encounters, IFS helps free these parts from their extreme and sometimes currently obstructive roles by establishing contact with the trusting core, the "Self." From this Self, burdened parts of the mind can be transformed.
Innere Klarheit und Heilung finden, durch die Integration und Harmonisierung der verschiedenen inneren Anteile – mit der effektiven Methode des Internal Family Systems. Mache den ersten Schritt in Richtung Veränderung – buche eine Sitzung bei mir vor Ort in Elmshorn (Kaltenweide 20) oder online. Gemeinsam finden wir deinen Weg zu mehr Selbstverbundenheit.
Are you ready for a new start!
I am available for a call on:
♥ Mobile nr. 00 49 151 70126234
or just send me an email:
Alternatively, sign up here for a free, no-obligation consultation. Lets meet up to see if I can accompany you on your journey to greater mindfulness and inner clarity,